Article 15115

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Kuznetsova Christina Andreevna, Postgraduate student, Saratov State U. A. Gagarin (77 Politekhnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia),

Index UDK

316 (091)


Background. In conditions of a complex qualitative growth of the modern Russian society there is an increase in importance of a sociological explication of foreign models of organizations’ and management’s culture in the aspects of their content, historical experience and peculiarities of functioning in the context of global and local tendencies of social and cultural development. The exact scientific and practical interest in this field is demonstrated by conceptual models of British sociology, the creative heritage and traditions of which remain scarcely covered and appear to be in circumference of Russian social scientists’ interest. In this regard, it is thought to be viable to a certain extent to supply the existing gap, to actualize and extensively describe this important direction of social thought, that served as a methodological foundation for many paradigmatic sociological researches of organization’s and management’s culture, that also demonstrates examples of solutions of both general-theoretical and public problems.
Materials and methods. Sociological explication of British models of organization’s and management’s culturewais carried out as a wide description of these phenomena by the means of the methods of interpretation, explanation and estimation. The methodology of sociological explication also included a comparative study of British theoretical approaches and empirical procedures and also materials of applied researches of social practices of organizational culture and management.
Results. The research gives the exact increment of scientific social knowledge in the field of organization’s and management’s culture, including the system of stable, logically interrelated theoretical views and methodological principles, and also regularities, conclusions and categories, resulting therefrom. The British scientific traditions of theoretical and applied analysis of organizational and management culture, that, in general, appear to be peculiar conceptual models of setting research problems and solving thereof, are added and adapted in the scientific process of Russian sociology.
Сonclusions. The wide analytic perspective of reproduction of the research results, demonstrated in the work, can find application in development of the social theory and innovative practice of solving various problems of the modern Russian society, that are inclusively connected with the development of new technologies of management, forms and social mechanisms of organizational culture.

Key words

sociology, sociological explication, sociology of organization, management, organization, British models of organization’s culture and management, sociological research, social perception.

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Дата создания: 22.07.2015 09:46
Дата обновления: 27.07.2015 09:35